Monthly Archives: November 2023

What Happens To Debts That Other People Owe You
As stressful as it is when you owe debts that you cannot pay, it is just as stressful when other people do not pay you the money that they owe you. This is true in the case of debts you incurred and money you lent on your own behalf, and it is also true… Read More »

True Or False: The Early Bird Gets The Estate
Technically, you don’t have to go through probate after a family member dies. Even if the decedent was a stickler for punctuality, he or she is not there to complain about you being late in administering the estate. Some families open a deceased family member’s estate for probate years after the decedent’s death. It… Read More »

Retirement For Debtors
If you take a personal finance class in high school, your teacher will probably tell you that paying for purchases in cash should be your default option; you should only borrow money in order to build your credit, a credit card to qualify you for a car loan, and a car loan to qualify… Read More »

Depositions In Florida Probate Cases
In the best-case scenario, probate is simple. The beneficiaries of the will and the personal representative of the estate already know what the will says. The personal representative can easily locate the beneficiaries and creditors. No one responds to the public notices that the law requires the personal representative to publish when the estate… Read More »